9 Ayurvedic tips for a healthy lifestyle for people living in metro cities

ayurvedic tips for a healthy life

We all know how important it is to be successful today. More money means more comfort and better amenities, including the basic facilities of life such as education and health. 

But amidst all the rush, have you ever thought about how critical your life has become? The distorted sleep cycle, irregular mood swings, bad eating habits, and, most importantly, minimal physical activities Be true to yourself and think, Where is this going? 

We understand how difficult it is to live healthily in a metropolitan city. But it’s not impossible. All you need to do is adapt to a few changes. 

Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Life in Metro City:

Lives in metro cities are always in danger of several health issues. Pollution, bad sleep cycle, extreme work stress, minimal family time, aging, and bad habits give serious health issues as gifts.

DiseasesUrban DataRural Data
Cardiovascular Diseases13.4% of people 7.3% of people
High Blood Pressure18.3% people15.5% people
Diabetes14.3% people6.9% people
Arthritis49.7% people55.3% people
Common Sleep Duration4-6 hrs7-9 hrs
Mental Disorders2x times1

The above data is a warning. Urban health is falling with each passing day. By implementing some new changes in your lifestyle, you can incredibly improve your health with Ayurvedic lifestyle techniques. 

We have listed them below. Read till the end.

1.) Follow a Daily Routine (Dinacharya)

Ayurvedic daily routines or ‘DinCharya’ include very simple steps. Anyone can follow it easily and you don’t need to spend lots of money on ayurvedic classes or ayurvedic products. 

Follow these simple Dincharya steps. 

  • Wake up early in the morning. The best time is the ‘Brahma Muhurta’ which is around 4:00 AM. 
  • Freshen up and wash your face. 
  • Do Oil Pulling, gargling, and brushing your teeth. 
  • Put two drops of oil into each of your nostrils. This is ‘Nasya’. 
  • Get a massage with oil. 
  • Do Surya Namaskar & Basic Yoga. 
  • Take a shower. 
  • Do 20-30 mins of prayer or meditation. 
  • Eat balanced food throughout the day.
  • Be focused on your occupation.
  • Eat early and light at night. 
  • Sleep early. 

2.) Balanced Diet (Ahara)

ayurvedic tips for a healthy life

Ayurvedic diet is very specific about people. The Ayurveda says that our body is made up of 5 elements that are Earth, Water, Space, Fire, and Air. These five elements form three Doshas in the body that are Pitta, Kapha, and Vata Dosha

People with different doshas need different diet plans to keep their bodies well functioning. We will discuss that in another article in detail. But here are some very basic principles that should be followed by all. 

  • Favour a vegetarian diet. 
  • Say no processed food or leftovers or cold food. 
  • Include all six tastes in your meals that are sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, astringent, and salty. 
  • Eat three meals each day. 
  • Eat calmly and slowly. 
  • Don’t overeat. 
  • Get an understanding of spices. 
  • Stay hydrated. 
  • Try herbal digestives like Triphala.

3.) Stay Hydrated

We all have heard about drinking 8 glasses of water each day. Ayurveda has a different understanding of staying hydrated. Ayurveda tells us that our body needs to digest water too. It is not good to drink gallons of water just to follow the global standard. Here is what Ayurveda says about drinking water. 

  • Drinking more water is a good idea but over drinking can be dangerous for your health. 
  • Drink more water if you’re not sweating well, have constipation, have a dry mouth, and have dark yellow urine. 
  • Always drink water while sitting. Your body absorbs water better. 
  • Drink water in small sips instead of gulping throughout the day. 
  • Make a habit of drinking warm water. Avoid cold water at all costs as it harms your digestion. 
  • The best water to drink is boiled water which is reduced to 1/3rd. 
  • Use clay pots, copper pots, or steel pots. 
  • Never drink running water.

4.) Regular Exercise (Vyayama)

regular exercise

People often understand ‘Yoga’ and ‘Vyayama’ as one but they are different. Vyayama means Exercise where Yoga is a completely different activity. We will discuss that later. 

Our body has so many muscle groups, bones, and organs. These muscle groups work better and longer when we keep them active. It is important for our body to walk, run, and exercise to keep it active and disease-free. 

We live in a time when Fitness gurus are aligning fancy names to a group of exercises. Though their efforts are quite praiseworthy, all we have to do is understand a simple formula. 

Our body does not need to have extensive exercise for an hour. Instead, basic exercises and moving over an interval throughout the day are extremely beneficial.

  • Move daily until you sweat through your forehead, underarms or spine. 
  • Warm up the body. 
  • Exercise in the early morning. 
  • Follow your breathing for comfortable exercise. 
  • Always exercise with an empty stomach. 
  • Menstruating women must not exercise.

5.) Manage Stress (Nidana Parivarjana)

Stress has become a regular thing for people living in metro cities. But it’s dangerous and can welcome several life-threatening diseases. Ayurveda emphasizes living a healthy simple life but also mentions how to cope with our daily challenges. Nidana Parivajana is one of the ways to do so. 

Nidana Parivajana says that finding the root cause of any irregularities will help to find the cure for any health issue. In a stress context, this method suggests finding the individual’s root cause of stress. These root causes can be poor sleep, improper diet, or a lethargic lifestyle. 

6.) Adequate Sleep (Nidra):

adequate sleep

Sleep is considered the most important factor for a healthy lifestyle. It re-energizes your body and freshens up your mind. It also helps in natural recovery from any diseases. Follow these simple steps for better sleep. 

  • Make your lunch the heaviest meal of the day. 
  • Drink milk after dinner. 
  • Cut down on your caffeine consumption. 
  • Hit the bed before 10:00 PM. 
  • Keep your smartphone away. 
  • Massage your feet with oil before you sleep. 
  • Start journaling. 
  • Lighter well-cooked dinner is a must for deep sleep. 
  • Practice gratitude.

7.) Ayurvedic Detox (Panchakarma)

Panchakarma means Five Actions to keep your body fresh toxins-free, and rejuvenated all the time. Panchakarma is a very effective method that is today run by several yogic schools and hospitals. The panchakarma aims to rejuvenate your body & mind. Not only does it eliminate your toxins but also heals your tissues. 

The five actions in the Panchakarma are Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana.

8.) Maintain Digestive Health (Agni)

Digestion is governed by the Agni (fire) element of the body. It is also related to Pitta dosha. Wrong food intake at the wrong time creates our regular digestion issues such as bloating, constipation, heartburn, and fatigue. 

Follow these to maintain good digestion. 

  • Never eat in a hurry. 
  • Eat a fresh piece of lemon and ginger before a heavy meal. 
  • Drink Lassi at lunchtime. 
  • Avoid cold food & dishes. 
  • Make lunch your biggest meal. 
  • Balance your diet with protein, carbohydrates, and natural fats. 
  • Eat fruits & salad. 
  • Dinner early and light. 
  • Prefer a vegetarian diet and avoid red meat. 

9.) Connect with Nature

connect with nature

Ayurveda says that we are more than just our body & mind. We are made up of natural elements and doshas that govern our lives. Like all animals, we also are natural beings and nature is our home. 

Nature gives shelter to our souls. It calms our minds and lets our heart rest. By being in nature, our body automatically starts to respond better and in rhythm improving our healing properties. 

  • Go to a nearby park every day. 
  • Look for hidden nature-rich places in your area. 
  • Observe the weather and space. 
  • Watch sunrise & sunset. 
  • Walk on the grass barefoot. 
  • Observe birds, fishes, and animals. 
  • Adapt a tree. 
  • Adapt an animal. 
  • Play with children. 


It is not that difficult to live healthy in metro cities. The only thing you need to do is make a strong vow to change your busy life into a healthy life. 

In this article, we have shared some of the very easiest ways to do so. Now don’t make an excuse and start working for a healthy lifestyle.

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