7 Triphala Benefits for Improving Your Lifestyle

Triphala is a very famous herb of all time on the Indian continent. In our medical science, Ayurveda, the Triphala means three fruits. Triphala is an Ayurvedic chemical compound that includes dried powders of three different fruits. These are Indian gooseberry, belleric myrobalan, and black myrobalan. Our grandmothers used to apply this in their daily lives. But as of today, we all are stuck in a busy lifestyle and have forgotten all the valuable home remedies. Today we are going to discuss the holistic benefits of Triphala that you must know. By adopting this, you will then find your lifestyle more active and happier.
Benefits of Triphala:
Triphala is a combination of three fruits- Indian gooseberry, belleric myrobalan, and black myrobalan are rich in antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties. From toe to head, Triphala benefits each part of your body. The healing power of Triphala is considerable and it does so in various ways. Following are some of them.
Boosts Oral health:
Using Triphala can be highly beneficial in treating your oral problems. It has antioxidant properties that are helpful in treating mouth sores.
Rinsing your mouth with Triphala solves many oral issues. Plague is one of them. Triphala helps to prevent fungal infections in your mouth. It keeps your teeth & gums strong. Triphala mouthwash can be as helpful as Chlorhexidine in killing the germs inside your mouth.
A Natural Skin Healer:
Skincare is integral to being young for a longer time. Skin is a direct representation of your health. Everyone wants clear skin with no blemishes. Triphala due to its anti-inflammatory properties is a perfect natural healer of the skin. It is highly helpful in reducing acne & blemishes as well as heals all kinds of skin injuries and infections. It helps to heal the skin tissue by rebuilding the skin protein. Triphala also helps to keep the skin moisture-rich making it soft & supple for a longer time.
Triphala is highly beneficial in fighting inflammation and also in the treatment of oxidative injuries. Triphala creates collagen which works as an anti-aging ingredient.
It Lowers Down the Blood Sugar Levels:
Blood sugar is a very common health problem all over the world. Especially type-2 diabetes which increases the blood sugar level but does not let it come down. Hence our body’s cells do not consume more sugar to produce energy. In lack of any treatment, it can be life-taking. Although there are many medications & injections available on the market, we still have a permanent solution for this disease. You need to take medication for life long.
Triphala which contains Indian gooseberry and Terminalia bellirica is very beneficial in treating the diabetes-2 disease. These two fruits in Triphala have anti-diabetic properties. But this remedy is not an alternative to medications. You can consume it for a better lifestyle but before doing so, you must consult your doctor.
Helpful in Treating Stomach Ulcers:
Stomach ulcers happen when stomach acid burns the lining of the digestive tract. A patient may or may not feel pain in this disease. However, you will see symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflexes. Stomach ulcers happen in the small intestine generally.
In some of the studies, it is found that Triphala can cure stomach ulcers. Triphala helps our body to release various beneficial enzymes in the stomach. These enzymes heal the ulcer and improve the digestive system.
Treats Constipation:
Triphala is very well known for the treatment of constipation. It improves peristalsis- the natural body process that is for getting rid of body waste. Triphala helps your body to clear your stomach by making the digestive system faster. By making the digestive system better, Triphala helps you to treat constipation. It also helps in making skin clearer & healthy. It is also beneficial in curbing harmful bacteria that have made a home in your gut.
Treat Arthritis:
Arthritis is a disease that comes along with age. Slowly our bones get weaker and we suffer pain in our joints. Any substance with anti-inflammatory properties is beneficial for treating arthritis. Triphala is a known and proven source of inflammatory properties. It helps with arthritis. Along with arthritis, Triphala also makes bones & cartilage stronger. By doing so it prevents the breakage of bones. As Triphala is high in anti-inflammatory properties, daily consumption of it will result in reducing uric acid levels & treating gout.
Helpful in Reducing Stress & Anxiety:
Few studies show that Triphala is adaptogenic. This property helps you to fight back against stress levels. Triphala calms the human mind and reduces the level of anxiety in a person.
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How to Use Triphala:
There are several ways of consuming Triphala.
– Triphala powder or capsules are available in the market. You can consume it on a daily basis.
– You can also use Triphala powder as a mouthwash.
– Mix Triphala powder with your current cream and apply it to the skin. It will help to clear the skin and will heal it faster.
Precaution before Using Triphala:
Triphala is indeed a very beneficial herb in the Indian ancient medical system. However, it may cause some side effects to your body. Here we suggest you take a proper consultation before consuming or using it. We don’t recommend it as an alternative to the medications you are going through. Hence it’s important to discuss this with your doctor first.
Side-Effects of Consuming Triphala:
Triphala has many benefits that we have discussed above. But if taken casually and in excess amounts, it can do more harm than cure. If taken in high doses, Triphala can cause intense high pain in the stomach. It will also cause diarrhea.
Be alert when you buy it. Some many fake tablets or powders will do the exact opposite of what Triphala is meant to do. Also before consuming Triphala, you must have to consult your doctors first.
Who Should Not Take Triphala?
No doubt Triphala can uplift your life quality. But some people must not take it. People who are consuming the following drugs are not allowed to consume Triphala.
– Anticonvulsants
– HIV Drugs immune suppressive drugs
– Antifungal drugs
– Atypical antidepressants
– Migraine Medications
– Opioid Painkillers.
In this blog, we have discussed all the benefits of Triphala including the side effects, precautions, and conditions when a person must not take it. This herb is an important part of Ayurveda. For centuries, we have been using it and from the benefits, we have mentioned above, now know the reasons.
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