Top Seven Ayurvedic Herbs and Their Benefits

Ayurvedic Herbs

The science of Indian ancient medicines is widely famous as Ayurveda. Ayurveda contains medicines and syrup made from Ayurvedic herbs, fruits, leaves, flowers, and even the stems of plants. Thousands of years ago the Indian civilization used to work in accordance with nature. Indians believe that there is divinity in everything and that everything is a part of the big cosmic entity. Everything we have around us can help us to connect with the divinity. 

Indian culture has always treated plants as divine entities that can improve our lifestyles. To an accident, this is very true. Plants use solar energy to prepare food and then plants give us all the natural products to fulfill our daily needs. Fruits and flowers are two prime examples of what we get from plants. 

Ayurveda is the knowledge of plants and their healing benefits for human life. Still today every household in India uses some kind of Ayurvedic treatment. 

In this blog, I will tell you the 7 most beneficial Ayurvedic herbs that everyone should keep in their homes. 

7 Most Beneficiary Ayurvedic Herbs: 

1. Ajwain- For Digestion: 

Ajwain- For Digestion

Ajwain is a very common Ayurvedic seed in India. It is mostly used as a spice in daily meals. If you don’t know, let me tell you that ajwain is highly beneficial in your weight loss journey. It is a highly digestive and nerve-stimulant herb. The herb also releases a number of deep seeded toxins from our bodies. In Ayurveda ajwain is known as a Ramban for vata issues. Therefore it is also helpful in stimulating pain, especially in your joints. 

How to Consume it? 

Indian households use ajwain as their daily spice. But ajwain can be consumed as tea also. So it’s time to replace your green tea with ajwain tea. Simply boil one tablespoon of ajwain seeds in 16 ounces of water. The water in a cup or glass. You can add a little honey for taste. Everything is set. You can drink it now. 

2. Ashwagandha- For Vitality:

Ashwagandha- For Vitality

Not many people know about it but ashwagandha ayurvedic herb. The anti-aging properties of ashwagandha make it very important in today’s lifestyle. Most of us face untimely white hairs, wrinkles, and weakness that ashwagandha can easily protect us from. Ashwagandha is very crucial for people who overwork and have high stress to deal with. 

How to Consume? 

Take half a tablespoon of ashwagandha and boil it in milk. You can add raw honey for adding sweetness to it. 

3. Brahmi- For Brain:

Brahmi- For Brain:

Lesser known Ayurvedic herb which is considered the supreme brain tonic in Ayurveda. It also balances the nervous system. Brahmi balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Also, it decalcifies the pineal gland. We have a wide range of benefits. Although it is highly beneficial to reduce ‘Pitta’ issues its primary nature is tridoshik. The following are its benefits. 

  • Helps in removing toxins. 
  • Boosts intelligence. 
  • Helpful in depression. 
  • Increases memory and concentration. 
  • Best Ayurvedic Herb For Controlling Hair Loss.

How to Consume? 

You can use Brahmi in several ways. 

  • Directly consume it in the morning. 
  • Boil Bhrami leaves in water & drink them as tea. 
  • Boil Bhrami in milk and make ghee out of it.  
  • Use it as a medicated oil for hair massage. It will go inside your hair cells and rejuvenate them. 

4. Cardamom- Tranquilizer:

Cardamom being a natural tranquillizer, gives stability to your mood. It triggers your mind and heart to be joyful and it’s you to have clarity in your life. It counters the caffeine and coffee effect. Also, it neutralizes the mucus properties of milk. It also removes access to Kafa from the stomach and lungs. These benefits make it one of the best Ayurvedic herbs of all. 

How to Consume? 

Drink it with coffee or milk. Add a little amount of cardamom while drinking coffee or milk before bed. Make sure to boil it before consumption. 

5. Cumin- Assimilation:

Another highly beneficiary Ayurvedic herb is cumin. It improves your metabolism and improves your digestive system. It helps as a nutrient absorbent. 

Cumin is highly useful for new mothers as it cleanses the reproductive organs and helps in milk secretion. 

How to Consume? 

You can use cumin seeds while cooking as it assimilates the nutrients in food and also improves the taste of the food. 

6. Licorice- For Rejuvenation:

Licorice- For Rejuvenation:

Along with India, licorice is highly used in the West countries throughout their ancient history. It reduces acidity and soothes the throat. Licorice also comes to the mind and energizes the body. It is known for rejuvenating the whole body system. 

How to Consume? 

You can consume it in several ways. 

  • Add licorice roots to tea as a sweetener instead of sugar. 
  • Boil the powdered licorice in milk. Drink it before going to bed. 

7. Manjistha- For Purification: 

Manjistha- For Purification:

Famous for its purifying properties, Manjistha is definitely worth making it in the top Ayurvedic herbs. The following are its benefits. 

  • It is highly anti-inflammatory. 
  • Purifies the blood. 
  • Helpful in clearing acne. 
  • Cleans & cools the blood and liver. 
  • Cleanser and regulates kidney functioning. 
  • Highly Effective in pita issues. 
  • Effective in treating skin diseases. 

How to Consume? 

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) is available in the form of capsules. You can take it from any authorized Ayurvedic Medical centre. You should consume Manjistha as guided by any Ayurvedic expert. However, the common dosage of Manjistha is two capsules in the morning and two capsules at night before going to bed. 

You can also add Manjistha powder to milk and drink it after boiling. 


Ayurveda has a long list of herbs, fruits, and plant roots with high healing properties. But not all of them can be available to us. In this blog, I have listed down the 7 most beneficial Ayurvedic herbs. You can use them in your homes in crucial times or in your regular lifestyle. But before consuming any of them you must consult with an Ayurvedic doctor. 

I this blog has benefited you in terms of Ayurvedic knowledge. Wait for our next blog to gain some other valuable Ayurvedic knowledge. 

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