What is Gita’s Perspective On the Karma

Bhagavad Gita is the holiest book of the Hindu religion. It is a literature of Vedic times that includes the conversation between Sri Krishna and Arjuna. The Gita has in-depth philosophical knowledge of life & death, the supreme God, karma, and their effect.
The teaching of this book gives deeper insight into many aspects of the present era. As with my understanding, I feel that Gita is required today more than ever. We, as a generation of the modern era, have lost many non-material valuable things in our lives. The Bhagavad Gita can help us in gaining these values again with more understanding.
Karma Yoga and Gita:
The Bhagavad Gita mentions Karma Yoga as a significant aspect of our lives. It decided our fate and the quality of our lives. The karma of a person holds the power to turn your life upside down.
The word ‘Karma’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Kri’ which means ‘To Do Something’ or ‘Some Action. The philosophy of karma includes your simplest action such as helping others or yelling at someone. It says that all our actions will come together and will give us what we deserve.
The philosophy of Karma heavily revolves around life, death, soul, and rebirth. Krishna says that the soul is immortal. Neither a weapon nor fire nor water can destroy it. It was, it is and it will always be.
Krishna says that all living beings have souls. The souls run their bodies and with time they leave one body and attain another. The life and death cycle always continues till a soul gets Moksha.
The Karma Yoga mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita deals with Karma, the intention of Karma, and its results. Krishna says that not the Karma but the motive behind it that gives you the real benefits or losses. Now let’s understand what Yoga is. Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means conjunction. By performing yoga, you unify yourself with the other party. When you perform the physical yoga postures, you actually unify your body within its core nature. You try to improve the raw entity of your body and its working process. Thus you help your body to attain a healthy life.
Gita when mentioning Karma Yoga, it simply signifies the union of ourselves with our Karma. Krishna says that our life is a result of our Karma. Small or big, whatever we do, will affect us and the world.
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According to Gita, there are three types of Karma.
Sanchita Karma deals with the karma in our past life. It says that we get the results or Karma-fal of our previous birth in our current life. You will get these only if your previous birth did not reap the results of your previous life karma.
This type deals with the recent Karma of a human being. If a person has done something in the past and he/she is facing the consequences now, then we can say that it’s the result of their Agami Karma.
Prarabdha Karma deals with a person’s present actions. Surely life does not always go well always. You will face difficulties in your life but how you respond to them defines your future. Either it will make you a great personality or you will be lost from pages of history.
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How to Deal With Karma?
A Yogi is one who has no strings attached to this materialistic world. Krishna says that to perform Karma Yoga, you must not be attached to the results of Karma. Humans do all their actions in the inspiration of greed, anger, jealousy, lust, hatred, and attachment. If anyone does any action without getting under the influence of these very six emotions, they can be free from Karma-Fal. Hence, they will be called Karma Yogi.
Krishna says that do not get to think about the result while doing an action. Maximum people do everything for their personal gain only. This leads them to disappointment or happiness. A Karma Yogi does not perform any action for his/her personal gain but for the social cause. When you don’t think about the results and your personal gains, you lift yourself above any chains of Karma. Hence neither the victory nor the failure will be yours. Your state of being will be the same in both cases.
Krishna says you don’t have control over the results of your actions. Victory comes to God and he only defeats you. Hence you must not worry about the results, instead focus on your current efforts.
This state of being unattached is called ‘Vairagya’. Often we have heard this term in stories of Lord Shiva. But the truth is that Vairagya is a state where you become free of all these materialistic desires and results of your Karma. If anyone can attain this state in their home, they don’t need to go anywhere to perform Sanyasa.
Tools for Fulfilling the Karma Yoga:
Karma Yoga deals with a man’s actions. If a man does the wrong things, he will face the wrong in return. If a person is doing right, he will get the right. This is an eternal truth. The laws of Karma still work today. We can see numerous examples of it in our regular lives. The question is how to perform Karma Yoga in our daily lives.
Krishna says that Karma does not include only the actions but the motive behind those actions. Hence we can divide our actions into four categories.
- Good Actions With Good Motives
- Good Actions with Bad Motives
- Bad Actions with Good Motives
- Bad Actions with Bad Motives
Whenever we do actions, we have some kind of good or bad motives behind them. Karma Yoga says that you must perform your rightful duty or your Dharma without any intention of personal gain but for society’s benefit. This makes you free from any kind of results of your Karma as you are not gaining yourself a single benefit from the victory or from the defeat.
Once you have gained this level of consciousness in your life, try to maintain it throughout your whole life. Whatever you do, do it for the greater good. Make yourself free and give people the freedom to live according to their will.
Karma Yoga is a very important aspect of our lives. The Bhagavad mentioned three Yoga Mudras Sankhya Yoga, Karma Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga. Among these three, this blog deals with Karma Yoga and how to attain Moksha by following Krishna’s teachings.
The Karma Yoga teaching was and is very essential for each one of us. it makes us free and helps us to live a divine life like sages.