Three Yoga Postures to Boost Confidence While Pursuing Your Unique Purpose

Yoga Postures

Confidence is the real jewelry that humans have. Without it, no one gains respect and becomes successful in their life. You must have seen some sigma male or female videos on YouTube promoting the characteristics of a confident person. Some may think a weak person can’t gain confidence and win the battles of the world. But the truth is totally the opposite. 

Our daily life problems challenge us to fight and win those battles. One can gain confidence at any age in their life. He or she needs to be self-aware of his/her body, actions, and thoughts. During the process, one must make some necessary changes in their lifestyle to develop self-belief and inner peace. 

Yoga is one of those few lifestyle activities that improve your health, flexibility, and peace. Yoga works on several other elements such as spirituality, inner peace, rational decisions, happiness, and confidence. 

In this blog, we will discuss some Yoga postures that revolve around the confidence factor. These three Yoga postures will boost your confidence in your day-to-day life challenges. 

Yoga postures to Boost Confidence:

Today the world is leaning towards Indian culture. Yoga is one of the threads which are uniting the world into one necklace. But few people know the connection between the mind’s state and Yoga. Below are three Yoga postures that are helpful in boosting confidence in the human mind. 

1. Mountain Pose:

Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose is a very basic pose in Yoga. This also works as an intermediate pose between several tough Yoga Postures. This pose helps you to relax and also gain self-belief. It is a very simple pose that you can practice every morning by following the below steps. 

1. Keep your feet at a distance of a few inches. Keep them parallel. You can also stand with the balls of your toes touching but heels must be slightly distant.

2. Lift your legs and spread your toes slowly. Now softly back them down on the floor. Now rock them gently back & forth and sidewise. Gradually slow down this process and standstill. Relax and keep your weight evenly on both feet.

3. Lift the top sternum of your body. In this process, your collarbones will get wider and your shoulders will go down the back, away from the ears. Don’t push your lower front ribs forward while doing this.

4. Relax your arms beside your torso. Keep your palms facing each other or forward.

5. Balance your crown over the center of your pelvis. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. Let your eyes and tongue relax. Breathe slowly and calmly.

Once you have set the posture, try to relax in this way. Maintain a slow breathing rate that requires no force. You will feel the energy coming from roots to your legs and then flowing upwards in your body. 

Now slightly spread your fingers but keep them pointing towards the earth only. Maintain the breathing speed as before. Relax your eyes, nose, jaw, and face. Relax in such a manner that you could feel your belly & chest expanding and relax in harmony with the breath. 

In this pose, you cultivate balance, energy, strength, and resilience. With all these, imagine yourself as a mountain and stay strong in your position. 

In case you want to make it more difficult, raise your arms in the ‘V’ position. 

Read More-What Is Ashtanga Yoga And Its Benefits?

 Benefits of Mountain pose: 

  1. It is a good nervous system. 
  2. It improves your focus. 
  3. You lose your weight through mountain pose. 
  4. You get relief from back pain. 
  5. Your hips gain mobility. 
  6. It helps you to stand properly. 
  7. It helps reduce flat feet. 
  8. Helpful in strengthening thighs, knees, and ankles. 
  9. Develops strength and flexibility in the body, especially in the spine. 
  10. Improves blood circulation, healthy digestion, and elimination. 
  11. Boosts energy in your body. 

2. Warrior Pose 1:

Warrior Pose 1
Warrior Pose 1

Our second pose is Warrior Pose-1. There are three types of warrior poses named in numbers. We will talk about Warrior Pose-1 only. This pose is also a standing pose. To do this, you must stand in a Downward-facing dog pose first. This pose is slightly difficult and demands more concentration & balance from you. Follow the below steps to perform this pose. 

1. Stand in the downward-facing dog pose.

2. Now Step your right foot forward such that your toes will be in line with your fingertips of hands.

3. Bend your knee to 90 degrees. Keep your thigh at parallel to the floor. Your knee should not cross your ankle and your hip must be pinned back.

4. Pivot your left heel on the floor such that your left foot will make a 45-degree angle to the floor. You can widen your feet slightly for more stability.

5. Straight your left knee so your left foot does not bend at all.

6. Inhale and raise your torso. Raise up your arms. Keep your hands shoulder-distance apart. Let your palms face each other. Open out and up your shoulder blades and towards your outer armpits.

7. Rotate your biceps back. Firm your triceps into the midline. You may also touch both your palms.

8. Release your tailbone towards the floor. Draw your belly away from the right thigh upwards.

9. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths.

10. Now release your hands back on the floor. Reverse the steps to a downward-facing dog.

11. Repeat the same for the other leg.

This pose demands balance and strength from the practitioner. You may feel difficulties if you are a newcomer to this. However, with time, you will gain the required balance and strength to perform this well. While performing this, feel the energy that your body is feeling in your legs & arms. Now envision your goals and imagine yourself fulfilling them. While releasing the posture, you must follow steps in reverse order. 

 Benefits of Warrior Pose1: 

  1. It stretches your chest, neck, lungs, and stomach.  
  2. You gain strength in your thighs, calves, knees, and ankles. 
  3. Through warrior Pose1, you enhance your workout performance. 
  4. Warrior Pose 1 helps your blood circulation, reduces stress, and calms the mind. 
  5. You gain balance over your body. 

3.  Goddess Pose:

Goddess Pose
Goddess Pose

Yeah, you heard it right. Yoga has a pose named Goddess Pose. This is also a standing Yoga pose and it also asks for balance from you. This pose strengthens your legs and hips. Also, it fuels your mind with calmness. Follow the below steps to perform this Yoga pose. 

1.  Keep your feet wider than shoulder-width distance. Keep in mind that you need to bend your feet completely and comfortably. Hence choose your distance as per your comfort.

2. Keep your feet outwards, your toes pointing towards the corners of the mat.

3. Start bending your knees.

4. Press your belly button up and in and tuck your tailbone. Keep your spine straight and sink in. Relax your shoulders during the process.

5. You must keep your knees over your ankles only. Try to keep your thighs parallel to the floor.

6. You can bend your arms when you feel comfortable. You can do several mudras with your hands such as the Anjali mudra, and Gyan mudra.

This Yoga pose also offers you balance and strength in your legs and arms. Your hips also get affected by this. By keeping an even breathing pattern, you cultivate balance, calmness, satisfaction, and energy in your mind & body. 

  Benefits of Goddess Pose: 

  1. The goddess pose helps in opening the hips, legs, and chest. 
  2. It gives you strength in your legs, calves, knees, and abs. 
  3. It improves your urogenital system. 
  4. It strengthens your shoulder joints. 

The above three Yoga poses are ideal for enhancing the strength of a person. They not only improve your body’s features but also balances your mind’s power. It helps you to gain balance and boost confidence in your day-to-day life. Make these three simple and effective Yoga poses in your daily activity and pursue your goals with confidence. 

Read More –What Do Indian Ancient Vedas Tell About Yoga?

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