How to reduce cholesterol naturally with help of foods

Is it possible to reduce cholesterol naturally? Well, it could take some time, but believe me, it will pay off in the end. Why not start therapy from home when there is an option available, especially with the increasing number of medications and treatments on the market and as you struggle to determine the best course of action?
Here we will discuss the top natural foods that effectively reduce cholesterol levels.
How foods keep cholesterol under control
Firstly, let us know what cholesterol is.
It’s a wax-like substance present throughout your body, including the blood, cells, arteries, and tissues.
Therefore, your body contains both good and bad cholesterol. But it becomes problematic when bad cholesterol (LDL) overtakes good cholesterol (HDL). This leads to an increase in heart problems as it can clog the walls of arteries and harm blood flow. It also leads to obesity, diabetes, and joint pain.
What causes bad cholesterol (LDL)?
Poor eating habits, not getting enough protein, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and obesity are some of the main reasons behind elevated cholesterol levels. Although taking statins may seem like an easy fix, they can be difficult to discontinue and are potent medications. There is, however, a more entertaining approach to managing your cholesterol! Here’s where foods play a vital role. You can naturally support your liver and lower cholesterol levels by adopting a few small lifestyle adjustments and including delicious, cholesterol-lowering foods in your diet.
Lets us see which natural food can help maintain our hormonal balance and reduce cholesterol naturally
Celery, cucumber, ginger & mint juice-

This is likely to provide you with the full complement of nutrients and antioxidants needed for blood purification as well as improve liver function, all of which will contribute to a decrease in the creation of LDL cholesterol in your body.
Fibre-rich food

Fibre is a form of carbohydrate that the body does not digest, and is crucial for preserving nutritional health. Fiber traps cholesterol in the gut and keeps it from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream, which is one way it contributes to better health. Consuming cholesterol can cause an accumulation in blood vessel walls known as atherosclerosis, which raises the risk of heart disease and stroke. Fibre works to control cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by trapping cholesterol and expelling it from the body as waste.

Do you know eating oats can significantly improve cholesterol levels in 4 weeks? In particular, it has been discovered that taking 70 grams of oatmeal per day in the form of porridge lowers cholesterol levels within 4 weeks. This is because oats contain soluble fiber, and a daily serving of oatmeal contains 3g of soluble fiber.
Soluble fiber helps to reduce the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) usually referred to as “bad” cholesterol, in the bloodstream.
Therefore including oat-based cereal or porridge in your daily morning routine can be a useful and delicious method to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. For best health results, they should be consumed as part of a balanced diet coupled with frequent physical exercise.

Increasing your protein consumption and exercising more can help lower your cholesterol levels, which will benefit your heart health. This is due to an increase in the levels of High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and a decrease in the levels of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol caused by the higher protein and lower fat content in your cells.
The so-called “good” cholesterol, HDL, aids in removing extra LDL from the bloodstream and delivering it to the liver for processing and elimination.
Healthy fats

Don’t let high cholesterol levels keep you from enjoying fat! Indulge in some heart-healthy goodness with omega-3-rich foods like creamy ghee, creamy avocados, juicy salmon, fruity olive oil, crunchy nuts, and nourishing seeds. “Keep your heart happy and your LDL levels low!”

The health benefits of bananas are superhuman! They suppress food cravings, control blood sugar levels, are high in potassium, and prevent cholesterol from seeping into your circulation.
Wheatgrass juice

Tall glasses of Wheatgrass juice on an empty stomach can awaken and stimulate your liver. This potent drink serves as a sneaky defense mechanism against pollutants, concentrating on extraneous nastiness and even troublesome bad cholesterol. “One sip every day will detoxify you and revive you!”
Dark chocolate

Chocolates are always tempting, but not all chocolate is created equal. Hence, to reap the health benefits, look for dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (70% or higher) and limit your intake to small amounts, as it is still a high-calorie food.
Cocoa contains flavonoids which are compounds with antioxidant properties. These compounds have the ability to lower blood levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the polyphenols in dark chocolate prevent cholesterol from being absorbed in the gut, further lowering cholesterol levels.
Limit your intake of sugar and processed food

As per ASA, a daily sugar limit is 23g for women and 36 g for men. By this, you can visually recognize the stricter the consumption of sugar the better your sign of a healthy lifestyle and the same goes for processed foods like potato chips, dairy products, canned drinks, sugary snacks, etc.
Beware of these pre-packaged meals! They’re packed with preservatives that clog up your body’s waste removal system, making it a tough job for your body to get rid of those harmful toxins. Instead, opt for home-cooked goodness filled with wholesome whole grains and fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables for a healthier, happier you!”
Citrus Juices

Surely, you might be aware that citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, antioxidants, and minerals. But do you know Vitamin C is a great resource for boosting heart health and reducing LDL levels? If not, then you probably got your answer by now. Additionally, it also helps in cutting that extra amount of fat deposition in the body, which further helps in reducing cholesterol levels.
Other foods that can reduce cholesterol
There are other traditional ways to cut down fats like sugar, refreshing fennel water, apple cider vinegar, and spicy cumin water. These delicious treats are a great option for anyone who wants to maintain their health and happiness because it is thought that they may help minimize the amount of fat that is absorbed into your bloodstream.
Dietary habits that reduce cholesterol naturally can significantly improve general health. The consumption of foods high in fiber, such as salmon and walnuts, as well as foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help decrease cholesterol levels. Limiting the consumption of saturated and trans fats, which are present in processed foods and animal products, can also aid in lowering cholesterol levels. Adopting these dietary adjustments and engaging in regular exercise can improve heart health and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.