How Do Unhealthy Lifestyles Affect Female Fertility?

The lifestyle of India’s young generation has changed dramatically. In recent years, the lifestyle has inclined towards fast food, unhealthy cycles, being overweight, and excess tobacco and drinks. All these have dramatically affected the young generation’s health including the fertility of individuals.

Habits Affecting Your Pregnancy:

1. Stress: Stress has a big role in degrading our living standards. Although I can’t call it a habit of choosing a mental state.Our fast life with an unlimited workload has created the mess we are living in.

2. Poor Nutrition: Nutrition plays an important part in all segments of our life. But here is a catch in fertility. Poor nutrition affects it but here is something more. A study reports that women who intake high amounts of animal protein.

3. Chewing Tobacco: Tobacco is probably one of the worst things to chew between your teeth. Reportedly, it decreases the ability to absorb vitamins & minerals in women, resulting in a disruption in the common hormonal cycle and menstruation.

4. Excess Of Alcohol: Although alcohol has no clear effects on women’s fertility, it can cause issues in conceiving a baby. A team of Danish experts and researchers studied 6120 females aged 21-45.

5. Bad Sleep Cycle: Although alcohol has no clear effects on women’s fertility, it can cause issues in conceiving a baby. A team of Danish experts and researchers studied 6120 females aged 21-45.

Conclusion: India’s modern lifestyle has decreased the quality of life we used to lead. Excessive workload, poor diet, and not sleeping enough are major reasons for infertility in the young generation.